Download phantasmagoria 2 steam
Download phantasmagoria 2 steam

download phantasmagoria 2 steam

Nevertheless, Phantasmagoria enjoyed critical and commercial success, with more than a million copies in the US, and a sequel in production. One that shocked retailers, like CompUSA, who refused to sell the game, and Australia who downright banned it. Among them was, in the first Phantasmagoria, a controversial rape scene between the main character and her possessed husband. For Phantasmagoria, this controversial series offered paranormal/psychological storylines with mature subjects including sexual content that shocked the public. King’s Quest, Space Quest, Gabriel Knight, Conquests (Camelot and Longbow), Leisure Suit Larry, and Phantasmagoria, each brought its mark into the industry. Roberta and Ken Williams’s company, Sierra produced some of the most important Computer games franchises in the world. If you played PC videos games in the 1980s or 1990s, it was inevitable for you to end up with a Sierra product in your hard drive.

Download phantasmagoria 2 steam